Poster Abstracts Due June 3rd


The 2024 Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) Symposium is excited to invite students, practitioners, and faculty who have recently completed BRD related research to submit abstracts for consideration for poster presentations at the symposium. The symposium which will be held in conjunction with the Academy of Veterinary Consultants (AVC) Summer Conference in Denver, Colorado, USA. The main poster session will take place from 5:30-8pm on August 7th at the National Western Center’s Stockyard Events Center located at 5004 National Western Drive, Denver, CO 80216. There will be BBQ, cocktails, and ample opportunity to chat with colleagues about the posters.

Poster awards will be announced 4:15-4:45pm on August 8th. The conference schedule and registration will soon be available at and

If you, or one of your students or colleagues, has a topic and interest in presenting, please submit your abstract by June 3rd to Please adhere to the formatting instructions described below. A committee will review and rank all submissions (based largely on the scientific validity and applicability) to select those to be invited for poster presentations. We will contact you by June 21st regarding acceptance and poster format.

Abstract Formatting instructions:

• Titles should be succinct (150 characters maximum, including spaces), informative, and accurately reflect the content of your poster or oral presentation.
• Include the First Name/Initial, Middle Name/Initial, Last Name, and Affiliation for ALL authors (including presenting author).
• The abstract body is limited to 600 words, not including section titles.
• Use a structured abstract format, including the following sections: Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions. Start each new section on a new line and bold the section names. Section names are NOT included in the total word count.
• Define all abbreviations in the abstract text.
• Acknowledge funding sources at the end of the abstract, avoiding abbreviations except those which are widely recognized (i.e. USDA is acceptable. Abbreviations specific to a university are not)

A. Student Awards for Posters (2)
1st place $500
2nd place $250

B. Early Career*/Post-doc Awards for Posters (2)
*Early career researchers have graduated from a PhD or similar in the past 3 years.
1st place $500
2nd place $250

Please contact Jodi McGill ( or Sarah Depenbrock ( with any questions. .